“Fall under the spell of KontakArt’s allure, feel special.”
[ Kara Taş ]
Indigo is a mixture blue and purple tones. This color evokes a sense of mystery and depth. It resembles the sparkle of stars in the night sky, creating a serene and mystical atmosphere.
It provides a unique style and a feeling of self-confidence.
“We have achieved commendable successes in providing services to our valued customers. This accomplishment belongs to all of us. We have listed the awards we have won for you. We have become a great family. These achievements are all of ours. We extend our endless gratitude to you all. Thank you very much.“
“KontakArt is not only practical but also a friend to our planet! It replaces the need for paper business cards, helping to protect the environment. Save trees and choose KontakArt for a green future!”

“Just a click away.”
– KontakArt is more easily portable than physical business cards. You can store a KontakArt on your mobile phone or other electronic devices and share it anytime, anywhere. This way, you can quickly and conveniently provide your contact information to customers.

“Custom Profile Fields”
– KontakArt doesn’t just contain your contact information, but it can also offer interactive content. For instance, your KontakArt may include links to your social media profiles, website, or any other information that introduces you.

“Stay Continuously Updated”
– With KontakArt, you can quickly and easily update your business information when there are any changes. This way, you can instantly communicate modifications in details such as address, phone number, or business name to your customers.

“Art in Communication“
– KontakArt offers more design freedom. You can enhance it with colors, graphics, and visuals to add prestige and make it more impressive. This provides a significant advantage in capturing customers‘ attention and making you more memorable.
© KontakArt. All rights reserved.